Urban Furniture


31 January 2020

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Urban Furniture Play Areas are your one-stop Family Spot

Nowadays kids are mainly indoors. This is because of our busy lifestyles that we overlook the basic necessity of kids burning their energies which helps them grow, and be happier individuals. However, this important aspect of growing up is sidelined because we as adults have so much going on in our lives and finding time out of our routine to let kids have fun becomes a cumbersome activity.

What if we tell you that play time can be fun time for whole family?

Because Play Time is Fun Time for Whole Family

At Urban Furniture, we decided to have a country-wide initiative of setting up fun parks for kids and parents. The concept behind these parks is to allow soft and hard play together. With a network of EU suppliers, we have created dozens of unique play areas all over Qatar including the new Sheraton Park, Souq Waqif, Zig Zag Towers among many other landmarks in Doha.

The concept of these parks is to give a wide array of sports, play and fun equipment to families. So, if you have toddlers and you want a playground with a soft aesthetic texture with a surface that does not hurt your child. Consider it done as we have soft flooring for toddlers with spring / rotating swings and other soft play activities to keep your toddler busy without you feeling worried about your child getting hurt.

We also have varied type of recreational activities for older kids including climbing, slides, figurative, adaptive structures, redes etc. The primary objective is to allow creative juices to flow. Remember, when we were kids and had nothing but our imagination to take us along for fun? That is what exactly we want our kids to take from the play area experience – their imagination and equipment that allows them to create a perfect combination of endless fun-oriented possibilities.

Ideal Family Activity

Because of the high stressful routines, there are very less opportunities for families to come together and have fun-time which is equally enthralling for the entire family. As a result, there is wide disconnect between parents and kids. We want to help overcome families this divide by giving them an opportunity of coming to one of our high-end equipment parks and “play” with their kids. While kids will be kids, you can join in and make unique memories together.

Come together

So the next time you are running out of ideas on how to let your kids have fun, don’t succumb into buying an expensive tech gadget that they will soon get bored of. Give them the chance of exploring their physical capabilities, getting healthier and exercising by taking them to our recreational play areas. Get back to nature by exploring, playing and being a family together so that your kids also see a fun side of you that we know exists outside your stressful routine.

Relax, unwind and make time to play and interact with your kids.

Contact us today: http://www.ppt.com.qa/

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